21. 6. 2019

Conference on teaching mathematics, physics and astronomy

   BLED,  27-28 September 2019                                  

To celebrate the 70th Anniversary of The Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia (DMFA Slovenije) the first international conference on teaching mathematics, physics and astronomy will be held in Bled.

The main topic of the conference will be working with gifted students. This may include competitions and various curricular or extracurricular activities, science days etc. In addition to contributions on various methods of working with gifted, the conference will also provide time and space for contributions on contemporary content and approaches to teaching. Teachers in elementary and high schools are invited to attend the conference with their contributions, which can take the form of short 15-minute lectures. Proceedings of the conference will be published afterwards.


The conference will take place in the renewed Hotel Bled Rose. You can book a room in the hotel with this form before August 1, 2019, and a special conference price for accommodation will be provided.



18. 7. 2019 early-bird registration (extended)
20. 8. 2019 abstract submission deadline
2. 9. 2019 notification of acceptance
6. 9. 2019 corrected abstract submission deadline 
13. 9. 2019 conference fee payment deadline
3.11.2019 paper submission deadline




  • 150 €,
  • 100 € for early registration.

Conference fee includes coffee breaks, gala dinner, and Proceedings. For further information about the payment of the conference fee please contact us. 



THIS IS THE LINK to the conference registration form.

THIS WILL BE THE LINK to the abstract and paper submission form. 


THE PAPER TEMPLATE for conference Proceedings  (Word)

CONFERENCE PROGRAMME (not available yet)


The conference is one out of 5 events, which will be held at the same time and place to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of DMFA Slovenije. These events are


Programme comittee:

doc. dr. Aleš Mohorič, UL FMF, chair,

mag. Sandra Cigula, Šolski center Rogaška,

mag. Ciril Dominko, Gimnazija Bežigrad,

izr. prof. dr. Darjo Felda, UP PEF,

prof. dr. Andreja Gomboc, UNG FN,

doc. dr. Boštjan Kuzman, UL PEF,

doc. dr. Barbara Rovšek, UL PEF,

prof. dr. Nataša Vaupotič,  UM FNM,

prof. dr. Blaž Zmazek, UM FNM.

Organising committee:

Andrej Guštin, Elektrotehniško-računalniška strokovna šola in gimnazija Ljubljana, chair

izr. prof. dr. Marjeta Kramar-Fijavž, UL FGG,

doc. dr. Aleš Mohorič, UL FMF,

dr. Nada Razpet, DMFA Slovenije.